Information for Potential Residents
Are you thinking of coming to live at Castleview?
We will provide you with as much information as possible about Castleview, to help you make a decision about whether or not you would like to live here.
We will offer you the opportunity to visit Castleview, join current residents for a meal and have several overnight stays. We are happy for you to involve your friends, family or other important people in your life, in visiting Castleview and the care and facilities we can provide before making the final decision about coming to live here.
As part of your moving to Castleview, we will encourage you to share with us as much information as possible about your likes, dislikes, hobbies and leisure interests. We hold residents’ meetings regularly, which are important for all residents to have a say in the running of Castleview. Residents’ questionnaires and personal plans are also used as a way of collecting views and comments, which are then fed back to management and changes made if needed to improve everyone’s life in Castleview. Residents’ comments both positive and negative are always responded to and if the resident has a complaint, we take this seriously and use our Complaints Policy to respond effectively.
We also feel that residents have a part to play in choosing who is going to work for them and we encourage involvement during potential staff selection interviews.
Choosing Your Decorations and Furnishings
We also want you to feel as comfortable as possible while living in Castleview. We will do this by helping you personalise your room by decorating it to your own style and being surrounded by your own possessions so that you will feel happy and secure.
Activities, Friendships, Hobbies and Pursuits
We feel it is very important for you to be able to enjoy your life in Castleview and to be able to join in as many of the activities that we offer. We also hope that friendships among residents will develop and you will feel able to join in with many of the communal social activities that happen on a daily basis.
We will try to help you to enjoy as wide a range of individual and group activities and interests as possible both inside and outside Castleview, to carry on with existing hobbies, pursuits and friendships, and be able to have new experiences.
A training kitchen is available for you to make tea, coffee and snacks, and can be used in developing your cooking skills. To mark special occasions such as birthdays and other important dates, we have parties and nights out, which are very popular with all the residents. Our enclosed courtyards have seating areas and, when the weather is suitable, we hold regular barbecues which are enjoyed by everyone. In keeping with normal home life, our residents also enjoy having occasional take away meals.
QuaIified, Experienced and Caring Staff
The people that will care for you in Castleview include nurses, care staff and the support staff who will make your life more comfortable. All staff are very much part of the ‘Castleview Family’.
We are proud that all our staff are here for one very simple reason – to make a real difference in the wellbeing of our residents.
We are all driven by enthusiasm for what we do, a desire to do it well and a determination to go the extra mile. All our staff are well trained, and will respond to you and your needs.
The Local Community and Its Facilities
The local community plays a very important part in enriching our residents’ lives. Those who are able to can visit the local shops independently. Where needed, staff accompany residents to the local facilities, such as cafe’s and pubs. There is usually a daily outing into the town centre of Carrick. We also go to the local weekly market, library and the leisure centre. We have our own Transport to enable us to go on bus runs, visiting places of interest, shopping centres, the cinema, ten pin bowling and restaurants.
We are very involved in community life and use many community-based local organisations such as Gateway Clubs and church and voluntary groups to ensure opportunities for life enriching experiences for our residents.
We encourage visitors to Castleview, including local councillors, members of parliament, officers of the local PSNI, representatives of voluntary organisations and Churches, students, school children and others. Naturally we ensure the safety of residents, and also respect their views about who they want visiting their home.
We Provide Care in the Centre of the Community
At Castleview we endeavour to provide excellent quality care for our residents. This means treating everyone with dignity, respect and upholding everyone’s rights to a happy home.
We want everything we do in Castleview to be driven by the needs, abilities and aspirations of our residents. We aim to provide residents opportunities to participate in all aspects of life in the home.
In particular, residents are regularly consulted both individually and collectively about the way the home is run.
Residents meetings are held to discuss any changes to our policies, look at menu planning, and any other matters which they or we feel needs addressed. Our objective is always to make the process of managing and running the home as transparent as possible, and to ensure that the home has an open, positive and inclusive atmosphere.